Since it is now pouring here (!) I will reminisce about the hike up the Boulder Creek Canyon, briefly.
The air was hot and dry (at 7 AM!) on August 2nd, when Chuck and I (and the damn dog Buddy) worked our way up from Eben Fine park to the end of the trail. However, the beneficial proximity of the creek was obvious. If you peered up the hillside on the north of the trail you could see a lot of dried out plants withering away, but along the trail things were flourishing (albeit a tad sedately). I got some shots of living Eriogonum and actually some prickly poppies that had not been chewed up by bugs. Prickly poppies don't often seem to be as chewed on as I have seen them this year, maybe because they have that awful icky sap. Not being a bug, i can't tell if the flavor slows them down or not!
Anyhow, we came back pretty tired from the heat (another scorcher in the 90s!). I look forward to some more temperate weather.