Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dang that rain anyhow

So we are now getting what we used to have in this part of the country, the regular evening showers after a nice moisty day. The good part is that the plants are mostly happy. The bad part is that my beautiful xeriscape flower garden is now a beautiful leaf garden with flowers peaking out from the leaves. The evening primroses look very coy, but not spectacular as they have in the past. The roses are hidden behind large plumes of grass. The Russian sage is looking pretty intimidated, but it will have its day I hope, later this summer.

It is interesting to hear people gripe about the unusual weather. Of course the weather reporters on TV (one cannot call them meteorologists with a straight face) babble about how unusual this all is, but looking at them you realize they haven't lived in the area that long, especially since they all look about 25 or so.

And summer is soon upon us. What this will bring we shall see.

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